經過幾天的假期後 回到公司
無意間發現 今天是一位 一直對我兩脇插刀的同事生日
他自從轉來我們公司後就經常給我買 紅豆燒餅💜
所以有見及此 我決定要做一個
驚天地 泣鬼神的蛋糕 \o/
Emoji 驚喜蛋糕 / Emoji Surprised Cake
那為什麼 它是一個驚喜蛋糕呢
它是以Emoji😎造型 內裡彩色的1個蛋糕
So Let's get started,yoohooo!!!!
6"海綿蛋糕 - 2個
奶油忌廉(butter cream) - 500g
士多啤梨 - 少量 切成薄片
蜜桃 - 少量 切成薄片
藍莓 - 少量
藍莓果醬 - 10g
食用色素 - 黃 藍 紅 綠
巧克力 - 40g
巧克力 - 40g
-首先把buttercream 調成所需的顏色
由於彩色只用作鋪滿內層 而黃色是外層
所以藍色 綠色 跟紅色 我調了每份 (70g)
然後其餘的都調成 黃色 (430g)
-把海綿切成5片薄片 然後依想要的次序搽上butter cream,
(我想由上至下是 紅,黃, 綠, 藍 的次序)
而每層的butter cream內餡 都會再加點驚喜::::::::::::
紅色butter cream + 士多啤梨片
黃色butter cream + 蜜桃片
綠butter cream + 藍莓
藍butter cream + 藍莓果醬
- 然後crumb coat 整個蛋糕, 薄薄的一層就好
然後放入冰箱 靜置15分鐘或以上,
目的是令表層butter cream凝固.
- 然後final coat 這次要求高一點,
要用butter cream覆蓋整個蛋糕 ,
盡量做到 不露出海綿蛋糕為基本原則
要用butter cream覆蓋整個蛋糕 ,
盡量做到 不露出海綿蛋糕為基本原則
- 把墨鏡畫在紙上 然後剪出來 作圖樣之用
- 用少許butter cream貼好牛油紙 以防它移來移去
然後 依圖樣 用巧克力畫上墨鏡部分
- 然後畫下 那個自大的笑容 是不是已經看到那個神緒了XP
組裝時間: 登登登 大功告成!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
非常簡單 的一個蛋糕
其實不喜歡butter cream的朋友可以 以 鮮忌廉代替
可是 我這位同事是嚐甜的>w< 所以我知道他 1定會喜歡 butter cream~~~~~~
-這是同事 切開蛋糕後的 平面照
沒騙您啊 層次分明的啊
他收到蛋糕時, 眼淚快要留下 男兒淚>/\<
哈哈哈 我快要笑死了,
How to make a Emoji Surprised Cake!?
6" Sponge cake - 2 pcs
Butter Cream - 500g
Strawberry - a few slices
Peach - a few slices
Blueberry - a few
Blueberry jam - 10g
Food colouring - green,
Chocolate - 40g
-Color those butter cream into red,blue,green and yellow.
so I colored red, blue and green 70g each.
then rest of those 430g butter cream as yellow. Set it aside.
-Color those butter cream into red,blue,green and yellow.
so I colored red, blue and green 70g each.
then rest of those 430g butter cream as yellow. Set it aside.
-Cut the sponge cake into 5 slices, cover each slice with filling,
red butter cream + sliced strawberry
yellow butter cream + sliced peach
green butter cream + blueberry
blue butter cream + blueberry jam
-Crumb coat the cake and set it in the fridge for around 15min.
Just to make sure the butter cream is not sticking the finger when touching.
Just to make sure the butter cream is not sticking the finger when touching.
-Final coat the cake with yellow butter cream, make sure there is no sponge cake can be seen.
then put it in the fridge to set.
-Draw the sunglasses in a paper and cut it out as a template.
then put it in the fridge to set.
-Draw the sunglasses in a paper and cut it out as a template.
-Line a baking paper on top of the template, draw the sunglasses with chocolate.
Draw him a mouth as well, then put everything in the fridge to set.
Draw him a mouth as well, then put everything in the fridge to set.
-Then, you are done!!!!!!!! Please give it a try, it is as easy as you see.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
`這次的小分享到此為止囉, 下次再見!!!!!! >W<
- If that is your dream, don't hesitate.
Im always here for you ;]